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Push Your Game
into the Web3 World

The easiest way to get users on board

Rubic’s SDK & widget will let users
buy your game tokens with 15,500+ other tokens,
across 70+ blockchains

Get ready:

Your project is about to ramp up!
Trade your game tokens across numerous chains
User onboarding from other blockchains will be easier
Embrace new audiences from other chains
Boost revenue: Get up to 50% off swap fees

Take a leap into the
cross-chain world

At no cost and minimum time spent, your users will buy tokens,
skins, and other in-game assets from 70+ blockchains
with any of 15,500+ assets, right on your frontend
Regular updates
and improvements
through Rubic’s API
220+ DEXs and bridges
integrated into Rubic’s Widget
Joint marketing activities
and partnership programs
24/7 full tech support
before, during,
and after the integration
You get it all at once
in one SDK or Widget

questions?Get in touch with us: